
Revelation 6:9-17

Text:   Revelation 6:9-17

Intro:  When you reach this point you are just beginning to deal with the events related to the Tribulation.  The events do not necessarily take place in order in which they are written. You might think that the Tribulation Period will be a time devoid of prayer and religious activity. We are about to see that just the opposite is true. 


       (1)  When Moses was instructed to build the Tabernacle, he was to build it after the pattern of things in Heaven, ( Heb. 8:5)

       (2)  These souls are people who have given their lives for the cause of Christ.

       (3)  These souls are not lying in the grave in a body awaiting a resur-rection from soul sleep. They are in Heaven.    There is absolutely no Scripture for the notion that men go to a place of fire where they atone for their sins and await purification. Jesus and Jesus alone atoned for sins! 

A)Their Sacrifice – (Rev.6:9) These are people who turned to faith in Jesus after the Rapture of the  These folks gave their lives for Jesus. The history of the church is a history of persecution and martyrdom, there is a high cost associated with faith in Jesus Christ.

B)Their Humble Supplication – (Rev.6:10) These martyred saints are involved in prayer. They “cry with a loud voice” and fill Heaven with their petitions. It is prayer for judgment. The Tribulation Period begins on this earth, it will not be a time of grace and mercy. 

C)Their Satisfaction – (Rev.6:11) These saints are given “white robes”. This signifies their purity and their righteousness. They are being told that more blood must yet be shed and they are to be patient until the Lord finishes His work upon the earth.