
Revelation 6:9-17

TEXT:  Revelation 6:9-17

INTRO:   THE TRIBULATION SINNERS IN PANIC…:  While prayer for judgment is being lifted up in Heaven; prayer for protection is being lifted up on the earth.  While those in Heaven are at peace, those on the earth are in panic. Let’s see why they are in panic and what they do about it.

A) A Universe In Turmoil – (6:12-14)  These verses describe a universe caught in the grip of a terrible cataclysm.  Earthquakes will rip through the earth. This “great earthquake” is the first of three earthquakes. We are also told that the stars of Heaven will fall down to the earth.

B)The Unconverted In Terror–  (Rev.6:15-17)  We are told that people of all ranks are overcome with fear. When God’s wrath is finally poured out upon this world, all men will be reduced to the same level.

      (1)    What They See –  In v. 12-14,  As the universe convulses in geological and astronomical upheaval, suddenly men will see everything they have ever considered stable and permanent taken away from them.  

      (2).   What They Say – In v. 15-16, Here is a world that has rejected God at every turn. Now, they must face His judgment, and they are filled with fear.

      (3).   What They Seek – In v. 16, They run to the “caves and dens of the earth” to find a refuge from the presence of God.  They say they want to hide themselves from “the wrath of the Lamb”.

      (4).  What They Sense – In v.17, Men sense that their time is up and that they are about to face the wrath of Almighty God. Nothing can deliver them from the judgment whose time has come!