
Genesis 26

TEXT:  Genesis 26

Intro:   We’ve looked at what to focus on, how to grow, and lessons learned from Elijah, Abraham, David, Moses, and Jesus.  Each one provided a different lesson and insights.  Now, I want to look at how to graduate from the wilderness.

  1. Learn From Others   (Genesis 26:1-3)
    1. Isaac is in a desperate situation, but he isn’t the first to go through a famine.
    2. It is important to turn to the examples in scripture and other godly men and women so that we can benefit from the lessons they paid so dearly to learn.
  2. Be Bold   (Genesis 26:12-14)
    1. Trust God enough to plant seeds during the famine.
    2. In times of trial, plant the seeds of the Fruit of the Spirit and allow God to produce a bountiful harvest that can sustain you and the ones around you.
  3. Dig Deep   (Genesis 26:15-25, 32-33)
    1. If God allows your well to be filled in, He may be pushing you to dig a new well.
    2. When you find yourself thirsting for refreshing waters in the wilderness, it’s time to dig.
  4. Prepare   (Genesis 26:25)
    1. God’s presence dwells in the places prepared for Him.
    2. Our willingness to make our hearts an altar on which we become living sacrifices is the precursor to revival and being filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit.

Main Thoughts:

  1. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9,16-18
  2. God can change your perspective or deliver you from the trial, but either way the wilderness will end.
  3. The wilderness is temporary, God is eternal. Keep your eyes focused on the eternal.