
Genesis 22:1-2

FATHER’S DAY  -----   JUNE 16,2024

TEXT:    GENESIS 22:1-2

As Abraham's sacrifice to the Lord is offered, we do not see the heart of a devastated broken man. Instead, we see the heart of a worshiper!
God's demand from your life and mine is total, absolute and unquestioning obedience. (1 Sam,15:22)

 IT INVOLVES PERCEPTION - This story would teach us to hold all things loosely and present everything to the Lord by Faith in worship!

            Demands  Relationship – (Gen.15:6) This story is the story of a Father—a very old father—whose lifelong delight was in his son of promise, Issac. (Gen.22:1-2)

            Demands  Readiness -  As soon as God speaks, Abraham responds! (John 4:23)

            Demands  Revelation - God revealed His plan for Abraham's life.

Notice How God Defines His Commands – (Gen,22:2 “Take your son, your only son, whom you love...”) God was asking for everything Abraham had! God says "give it all to me!"

Notice How God Details His Commands - God was very precise about what Abraham was to do. The word God uses “tested” “Nasah” means to prove the quality of something.

Notice How God Deepens His Commands - God does not usually explain the "why?" to men!

            Did Abraham love the gift of God more than God Himself?  (Gen 22:2-3)



His Hands Were Prepared- He left nothing out, he took nothing extra!

His Head Was Prepared - By faith he was willing to obey God.

His Heart Was Prepared - He was there to give everything to God, that was present in that day and all that was promised for tomorrow.