Text: Luke 8:1-3
Intro: Our Lord’s followers have always been a fickle bunch. During His earthly ministry, He was followed vast crowds, and at other times, He was followed by just a faithful few. As the course of Christ’s ministry became clear, even His own disciples were guilty of running away from Him. But our passage mentions a dedicated group of women that followed Jesus. And offered Him financial support and absolute devotion. One of these women, Mary Magdalene, seemed to have followed Him everywhere.
1. She was a Desperate Woman
a. The Horror of Her Condition
b. The Hopelessness of Her Condition
c. The Helplessness of Her Condition
2. She was a Delivered Woman
a. She Experienced the Power of Jesus
b. She Experienced the Lord's Peace
3. She was a Devoted Woman
a. Her Devotion is Seen in Her Finances
b. Her Devotion is Seen in Her Following
c. Her Devotion is Seen in Her Faithfulness