TEXT: Luke 10:25-37
INTRO: The ability to love our neighbor hails from the revelation of the work that Jesus Christ has done in us. Today’s text is one of those passages that most people in our culture are familiar with. Everyone has heard about the Good Samaritan. It’s a wildly popular story, but today I hope you’re going to see some things you haven’t noticed before. A few weeks ago, God began stirring this in me to share. I have been so disappointed in our world lately. I have been troubled in my heart at the lack of love and concern many of us have for one another. It was in this season of grappling with humanity that God reminded me of this story. To be quite transparent, He first reminded me of the question asked in the middle of this passage. “Who is my neighbor?” That question drove me to search out the story. While studying this story, God began to draw things out that I had never seen before. I’m going to share those with you today. So, while I’ve titled this message, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” I could have easily entitled it, “Lessons From a Samaritan.”