

Matthew 24:42
If Tomorrow Never Comes

TEXT:   Matthew 24:42
INTRO: Jesus is coming back one day.  Did you know that?  I’m being totally serious.  One day, unannounced in the church bulletin, without a Facebook event, no crazy video promotions, Jesus is just going to show back up and take His children out of this world.  This event is called the Rapture of the Church, and it’s not something we talk about very much anymore.  It’s one of those things that makes us sound crazy when we start talking about it, so we don’t.  But today, we’re going to talk about it because God said so.  I won’t have time to do an in-depth analysis chasing a bunch of theories about timing or definitive definitions of what this experience will look like.  All you need to know for today is that this event is real, it will happen, and you’ll have responsibility for whether you’ll participate in it if it happens in your lifetime.