
Matthew 4:19

TEXT:   Matthew 4:19
INTRO: In Matthew 4:19, one of the greatest invitations of all history was given to four fishermen on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.  Last week, we talked about that invitation.  We talked about what Jesus meant when he said, “Follow me.”  As exciting as it is to look on as we read the scriptural account, we can be even more excited to know that Jesus issues the same invitation to us today.  Some of you heard it and accepted it last week as you agreed to follow Him.  We learned last week that to follow Jesus means we will prioritize the mission.  Then, we’ll make the trek, even when the trail is tough.  Lastly, we’ll be committed to the plan for the fishing trip.  This week, we’ll peel the onion of this story back a little further.  When we follow Jesus to become fishers of men, He supplies the bait, takes us to the fishing hole, and we reel them in.  So, who gets the fish on the hook?  Many well-meaning Christians have missed a lot of fish by forgetting what part of the process they are responsible for.  So, what is our role in evangelism?  What is God’s role in evangelism?