First Assembly of God Rock Hill First Assembly of God Rock Hill
First Assembly of God Rock Hill is live
Sunday Worship - September 15, 2024
Shawn Boliner
Shawn Boliner
Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Text:  Luke 9:28-36

Intro: Throughout the Bible, mountains are often places of encounter with God that led to transformation, revelation, and renewal. Think of the past two weeks with Elijah on Mount Horeb hearing God’s gentle whisper, or Abraham on Mount Moriah experiencing God’s provision of a sacrifice for Isaac, or Moses on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments.  Today we examine the Mount of Transfiguration and the implications for our lives.

  1. The Importance of the Presence
    1. God knew what the disciples would need after His death, and He knows what we need every day of our lives.
    2. His presence in our lives is the only way we can have the strength and courage to face tomorrow.
    3. To experience the presence of God in our lives, it must start with a foundation of prayer.
  2. The Importance of Prayer
    1. Jesus made prayer a routine habit in His life to show us how important it is.
    2. When we begin to make prayer a central part of our lives, then we will be changed and become more like Christ.
    3. Prayer is the key to change in our lives, our church, our community, and our nation.
    4. Prayer prepares us for the mission ahead.